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Adobe Reader XI registry settings. Printing a pdf directly from server to printer for Accounts Payable checking writing on pre-printed forms and adobe is centering. N/a: Cabs are keys that contain subvalues displayed in the right hand registry panel. Default: A list of tools removed from the Tools tab and right-hand pane. Version # DC: HKCU Path: AcroApp: HKLM Path: HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NodePoliciesAdobe(product name)(version)FeatureLockDowncAcroApp Summary. Since the registry and plist data derives from the.aapp file, these entries cannot be modified directly. Any changes to these preferences will be overwritten by data in the.aapp file on application startup. Summary table. Adobe Acrobat and Reader work great on Windows 10, especially when you optimize their interaction. This can be done in two simple steps after installing Acrobat or Reader. The first step is to pin the application to the taskbar, and second, make Acrobat or Reader the default application for opening. Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings. The list of websites above is stored on your computer only, so that you can view or change your local storage settings. (Flash Player 8 and later) To specify that SWF or FLV content on your computer may use the older security rules to communicate with the Internet: In the Settings Manager Global Security Settings panel, above, click the pop-up menu and select Add Location. The Add Location box opens.

Acrobat XI Deployment Guide for Large Firms Large law firms with more than fifty Acrobat users should take advantage of Adobe’s free deployment tools.If you are upgrading your Acrobat base or installing Acrobat for the first time, this guide is for you, the enterprise admin.

The Adobe PDF Settings page shows the conversion settingsthat you can specify for your sources to use. You can use any ofthe predefined PDF settings or create your own. The PDF settingsdetermine precisely how files are converted and their resultantPDF structure and features. Adobe PDF settings were previously known asDistiller® parameters or job options.

On the Adobe PDF Settings page, you can do the following tasks:

  • View the predefined PDF settings. (See About the predefined PDF settings.)

  • Create a PDF setting or edit one that you created previously. (See Add or edit PDF settings.)

  • Specify default PDF settings. (See Change the default settings)

  • Upload a PDF settings file to the server. (See Upload PDF settings.)

  • Delete customized PDF settings. (See Delete PDF settings.)

  • Upload and download prologue and epilogue files. (See Uploading and downloading prologue and epilogue files.)

Adobe PDF settings are applicable only to the PDFMaker basedconversions. These include the following conversions:

  • Microsoft Word document (DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT)

  • Microsoft Excel document (XLS, XLSX)

  • Microsoft PowerPoint document (PPT, PPTX)

  • Microsoft Project document (MPP)

  • Microsoft Visio document (VSD)


On using OpenOffice to convert above formats, Adobe PDF settingsare not applied.

PDF Generator provides several predefined PDF settingsfor your use. You cannot modify these predefined settings; however,you can create a setting based on an existing one by editing thesetting and saving it under a new name.

Creates PDF files for high-quality output. This setting:

  • downsamples color and grayscale images at 300 dpi

  • downsamples monochrome images at 1200 dpi

  • prints to a higher image resolution

  • uses other settings to preserve the maximum amount of informationabout the original document.

These PDF files canbe opened in Adobe Acrobat 5 and Adobe AcrobatReader® 5 or later.

Creates PDF documents that are suitable for reliable viewing andprinting of engineering drawings that are larger than 200 x 200inches. Created PDF documents can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Professionaland Acrobat Standard, version 7 or later, and Adobe Reader 7 orlater.

Checks incoming jobs for compliance to the ISO standard for long-term preservation (archival) of electronic documents and creates PDF/A files only if compliant. These files are primarily used for archiving. Compliant files can contain only text, raster images, and vector objects; they cannot contain encryption and scripts. In addition, all fonts must be embedded so that the documents can be opened and viewed as created. PDF/A-1b uses PDF 1.4 and converts all colors to either CMYK or RGB, depending on which standard you choose. PDF files that are created with this settings file can be opened in Acrobat 5 and Acrobat Reader 5 and later. For more information about PDF/A, see Adobe and industry standards.

Checks incoming jobs for PDF/X-1a compliance, and creates PDF files only if compliant. PDF/X-1a is an ISO standard for graphic content exchange. PDF/X-1a requires all fonts to be embedded, the appropriate PDF boxes to be specified, and color to appear as either CMYK or spot colors. PDF files that meet PDF/X-1a requirements are targeted to a specific output condition, such as web offset printing according to Specifications Web Offset Publications. For more information about PDF/X, see Adobe and industry standards.

Checks incoming jobs for PDF/X-3 compliance and creates PDF filesonly if compliant. Like PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 is an ISO standard forgraphic content exchange. The main difference is that PDF/X-3 supportsdevice-independent color.

Creates PDF files for high-quality print production (forexample, on an imagesetter or platesetter). In this case, file sizeis not a consideration. The objective is to maintain all the informationin a PDF file that a commercial printer or prepress service providerneeds to print the document correctly. This set of options:

  • downsamples color and grayscale images at 300 dpi

  • downsamples monochrome images at 1200 dpi

  • embeds subsets of all fonts used in the document

  • prints to a higher image resolution,

  • does not automatically rotate pages based on the orientationof the text or document structuring conventions (DSC) comments

  • uses other settings to preserve the maximum amount of informationabout the original document.

Print jobs fail ifthey have fonts that cannot be embedded. These PDF files can be openedin Acrobat 5 and Acrobat Reader 5 and later.

Note: Beforeyou create a PDF file to send to a commercial printer or prepressservice provider, determine the output resolution and other settings,or request a .joboptions file with the recommended settings. Youmay need to customize the Adobe PDF settings for a particular providerand then provide a .joboptions file of your own.

Creates PDF files for displaying on the web or an intranet,or for distribution through an email system for onscreen viewing.This set of options uses compression, downsampling, and a relativelylow image resolution. It converts all colors to sRGB and does notembed fonts unless necessary. It also optimizes files for byte serving.These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat 5 and Acrobat Reader 5.0and later.

Creates PDF files to print to desktop printers or digitalcopiers, publish on a CD, or send to a client as a publishing proof.This set of options uses compression and downsampling to reducethe file size. It also embeds subsets of all fonts that are usedin the file, converts all colors to sRGB, and prints to a mediumresolution to create a reasonably accurate rendition of the original document.Notice that Microsoft Windows font subsetsare not embedded by default. These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat5 and Acrobat Reader 5.0 and later.

PDF settings determine precisely how files are convertedand their resultant PDF structure and features. Define a new PDFsetting or edit one that you created previously. You cannot modifypredefined settings, but you can create a setting based on an existingone by editing the setting and saving it under a new name.

  1. In administration console, click Services > PDF Generator> Adobe PDF Settings.

  2. Either click New or click the name of an existing setting.

  3. On the New/Edit Adobe PDF Setting page, complete the requiredinformation in these sections:

    To go to another section, click its linkon the web page or use the Next and Previous buttons.

  4. After you complete the information in all sections, clickSave or Save As and provide a name for the setting.

You can have PDF settings available on the PDF Generatorserver by uploading them from a local computer or a network location.

  1. In administration console, click Services > PDF Generator> Adobe PDF Settings, and click Upload.

  2. On the Upload Adobe PDF Setting page, click Browse, locatethe PDF settings file, and click Open.

You can permanently delete PDF settings if they are nolonger required.

  1. In administration console, click Services > PDF Generator> Adobe PDF Settings.

  2. Select the check box beside the setting to delete. You canselect multiple settings.

  3. Click Delete and, on the Delete Confirmation page, clickDelete again.

Use the general options to specify the version of Acrobatto use for file compatibility and other file and device options.For instructions about accessing the General options, see Addor edit PDF settings.

The compatibility level of the PDF file. For documents that will be widely distributed, consider selecting Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) or Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4) to ensure that all users can view and print the document. If you create files by using Acrobat 5 compatibility or later, they may not be compatible with earlier versions of Acrobat. The following subsections show some of the differences between PDF files that are created using different levels of Acrobat compatibility.

Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)

Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4)

Acrobat 6 (PDF 1.5)

Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6) and Acrobat 8 (PDF 1.7)

Can be opened with Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader 3.0 and later.

Can be opened with Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader 3.0 and later. Features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Most can be opened with Acrobat 4 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. Features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Most can be opened with Acrobat 4 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. Features specific to later versions may be lost or not viewable.

Cannot contain artwork that uses live transparency effects. Any transparency must be flattened before converting to PDF 1.3.

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Supports the use of live transparency in artwork. (Acrobat Distiller feature flattens transparency.)

Layers are not supported.

Layers are not supported.

Preserves layers when you create PDF files from applications that support the generation of layered PDF documents, such as Adobe Illustrator® CS or Adobe InDesign® CS and later.

Preserves layers when you create PDF files from applications that support the generation of layered PDF documents, such as Illustrator CS or InDesign CS and later.

DeviceN color space with 8 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with 8 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with up to 31 colorants is supported.

DeviceN color space with up to 31 colorants is supported.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded. (Distiller converts the fonts when embedding.)

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

Multibyte fonts can be embedded.

40-bit RC4 security is supported.

128-bit RC4 security is supported.

128-bit RC4 security is supported.

128-bit RC4 and 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) security supported.

Adobe Reader Dc Registry Settings

Consolidates small objects (each of which are not compressibleitself) into streams that can then be efficiently compressed.

Does not compress any structural information in the PDF document. Selectthis option if you want users to view, navigate, and interact with bookmarksand other structural information by using Acrobat 5 and later.

Compresses structural information in the PDF document. Usingthis option results in a PDF file that can be opened and printedby using Acrobat 5. Users cannot view any accessibility, structure,or tagged PDF information in Acrobat 5 or Acrobat Reader 5.0, butthey can view this information in Acrobat 6 and Adobe Reader 6.0.

Sets the automatic rotation of pages based on the orientationof the text or DSC comments. For example, some pages (such as pagesthat contain tables) may require the user to turn them sidewaysto read them. Select Individually to rotate each page based on thedirection of the text on that page. Select Collectively By Fileto rotate all pages in the document based on the orientation ofmost text.

Note: If Process DSC Comments is selectedin the Advanced settings and if %%Viewing Orientation comments areincluded, these comments take precedence in determining page orientation.

Specifies whether to display a PDF file with left-side orright-side binding. This setting affects the display of pages inthe Facing Page - Continuous layout and the display of thumbnailsside by side.

Sets the emulation for the resolution of a printer for inputfiles that adjust their behavior according to the resolution ofthe printer they are printing to. For most input files, a higherresolution setting results in larger but higher-quality PDF files,and a lower setting results in smaller but lower-quality PDF files. Mostcommonly, resolution determines the number of steps in a gradientor blend. You can enter a value from 72 to 4000. Keep this settingas the default unless you plan to print the PDF file to a specificprinter and you want to emulate the resolution defined in the originalinput file.

Note: Increasing the resolution settingincreases file size and may slightly increase the time requiredto process some files.

Specifies which pages to convert. Leave the To box emptyto create a range from the page number you enter in the From boxto the end of the file.

Restructures the file for page-at-a-time downloading (byteserving) from web servers. This option compresses text and lineart, regardless of what you selected as compression settings onthe Images tab. Compression results in faster access and viewingwhen downloading the file from the web or a network. By default,this option is not enabled.

The Default Page Size options specify the page size touse when one is not specified in the original file. Typically, AdobePostScript files include this information,except for Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files, which give a boundingbox size but not a page size. The maximum page size allowed is 15,000,000inches (31,800,000 cm) in either direction. These options configurethe default page size:

Width of the page

Height of the page

Units to use for the width and height settings

The Images options specify compression and resampling forimages. You can experiment with these options to find an appropriatebalance between file size and image quality. For instructions aboutaccessing the Images settings, see Add oredit PDF settings.

These options configure color, grayscale, and monochrome images:

Set a value for each type of image. To downsample color, grayscale,or monochrome images, PDF Generator combines pixels in a sample areato make one larger pixel. Provide the resolution of your outputdevice in dots per inch (dpi) and enter a resolution in dpi in theFor Images Above box. For images with a resolution abovethis threshold, PDF Generator combines pixels, as needed, to reducethe resolution of the image (pixels per inch) to the specified dpisetting. To turn off downsampling, select Off. Here are the options:

Averages the pixels in a sample area and replaces the entirearea with the average pixel color at the specified resolution.

Uses a weighted average to determine pixel color and usuallyyields better results than the simple averaging method of downsampling.Bicubic is the slowest but most precise method and results in the smoothesttonal gradations.

Selects a pixel in the center of the sample area and replaces the entire area with that pixel at the specified resolution. Subsampling significantly reduces the conversion time compared to downsampling, but it results in images that are less smooth and continuous.

The resolution setting for color and grayscale should be 1.5 to 2 times the line screen ruling that the file will be printed at. (Providing you do not go below this recommended resolution setting, images that contain no straight lines, or geometric or repeating patterns, are not affected by a lower resolution.) The resolution for monochrome images should be the same as the output device. However, be aware that saving a monochrome image at a resolution higher than 1500 dpi increases the file size without noticeably improving image quality.

Also consider whether users need to magnify a page. For example, if you are creating a PDF document of a map, consider using a higher image resolution so that users can zoom in on the map.

Note: Resampling monochrome images can have unexpected viewing results, such as no image display. If this problem occurs, turn off resampling and convert the file again. This problem is most likely to occur with subsampling and least likely to occur with bicubic downsampling.

This table shows contains types of printers and their resolution measured in dpi, their default screen ruling measured in lines per inch (lpi), and a resampling resolution for images that are measured in pixels per inch (ppi). For example, to print to a 600-dpi laser printer, enter 170 for the resolution to resample images at.

Printer resolution

Default line screen

Image resolution

300 dpi (laser printer)

60 lpi

120 ppi

600 dpi (laser printer)

85 lpi

170 ppi

1200 dpi (imagesetter)

120 lpi

240 ppi

2400 dpi (imagesetter)

150 lpi

300 ppi

Set a value to apply to color, grayscale, and monochromeimages. For color and grayscale images, also set the image quality:

  • For color or grayscale images, select ZIP to apply compressionthat works well on images that have large areas of single colorsor repeating patterns. Examples are screen shots, simple imagescreated with paint programs, and monochrome images that containrepeating patterns. Select JPEG, quality minimum to maximum, toapply compression that is suitable for grayscale or color images,such as continuous-tone photographs that contain more detail thancan be reproduced on the screen or in print. Select Automatic (JPEG)to automatically determine the best quality for color and grayscaleimages.

  • For monochrome images, select CCITT Group 4, CCITT Group3, ZIP, JPEG200, Automatic (JPEG2000), or Run Length compression.

Makesure that monochrome images are scanned as monochrome and not as grayscale.Scanned text is sometimes saved as grayscale images by default. Grayscaletext that is compressed with the JPEG compression method is notclear and may be unreadable.

Configures the image quality for color and grayscale images. Theoptions are minimum, low, medium, high, and maximum.

Smooths jagged edges in monochrome images. Select 2 bit, 4bit, or 8 bit to specify 4, 16, or 256 levels of gray. (Anti-aliasingmay blur small type or thin lines.)

Note: Compressionof text and line art is always on.

Set a policy for color, grayscale, and monochrome images.If the image resolution falls below the specified resolution, youcan still select to proceed (Ignore), provide a warning message,or cancel the job.

The Fonts options specify which fonts to embed in a PDFfile and whether to embed a subset of characters that are used inthe PDF file. For instructions about accessing the Fonts options,see Addor edit PDF settings.


When you combine PDF files with the same fontsubset, PDF Generator attempts to combine the font subsets.

Embeds all fonts that are used in the file. Font embeddingis required for PDF/X compliance.

Subset Embedded Fonts When Percent Of Characters UsedIs Less Than:

If you select this option, specify a threshold percentageto embed only a subset of the fonts. For example, if the thresholdis 35 and less than 35% of the characters are used, PDF Generatorembeds only those characters. Only fonts with appropriate permissionbits are embedded.

Specifies how PDF Generator responds if it cannot find afont to embed when processing a file. You can have PDF Generatorignore the request and substitute the font, warn you and substitutethe font, or cancel processing of the current job.

The location of the fonts that PDF Generator uses.


A TrueType font can contain a setting that thefont designer added that prevents the font from being embedded inPDF files.


Fonts are picked from the Windows system font cache and asystem restart is required to update the cache. After specifyingthe Customer font directory, ensure that you restart the systemon which AEM forms is installed.

The Color options set all color management informationfor PDF Generator. For instructions about accessing the Color options,see Addor edit PDF settings.

This list contains a list of color settings that are alsoused in major graphics applications, such as Adobe Photoshop andAdobe Illustrator. The color setting you select determines the otherAdobe color settings on this page. For example, if you select asetting other than None, all options other than those for Device-DependentData are predefined and dimmed. You can edit the Color ManagementPolicies and Working Spaces settings only if you select None for SettingsFile.

If you selected None for the Settings File, the Color ManagementPolicies area specifies how PDF Generator converts unmanaged colorin a PostScript file.

Leaves device-dependent colors unchanged and preserves device-independentcolors as the nearest possible equivalent in PDF. This option isuseful to print shops that have calibrated all their devices, usedthat information to specify color in the file, and output only tothose devices.

Embeds an International Color Consortium profile when distillingfiles and calibrates color in the images, which makes colors inthe resultant PDF files device-independent if you selected Acrobat4 (PDF 1.3) or later compatibility. However, device-dependent color spacesin files (RGB, Grayscale, and CMYK) are converted to device-independent colorspaces (CalRGB, CalGray, and LAB).

Embeds ICC profiles only in images, not text or graphics,when distilling files if you selected Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) compatibility.This option prevents black text from undergoing any color shift. However,device-dependent color spaces in images (RGB, Grayscale, and CMYK) areconverted to device-independent color spaces (CalRGB, CalGray, andLAB). Text and graphics are not converted.

Convert All Colors to sRGB or Convert All Colors toCMYK:

Calibrates color in the file, making the color device-independent,similar to Tag Everything for Color Management. If you selectedAcrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) or later compatibility and convert to sRGB,the CMYK and RGB images are converted to sRGB.

Regardlessof the compatibility option you select, grayscale images are left unchanged.This usually reduces the size and increases the display speed ofPDF files because less information is needed to describe RGB imagesthan to describe CMYK images. Because RGB is the native color spacethat is used on monitors, no color conversion is necessary duringdisplay, which contributes to fast online viewing. This option isrecommended if the PDF file is for use online or with low-resolutionprinters.

The method to map colors between color spaces. The resultof any particular method depends on the profiles of the color spaces.For example, some profiles produce identical results with different methods.These options are available:

Note: In all cases, intents may be ignored or overriddenby color management operations that occur after the creation ofthe PDF file.

Means that the intent is specified in the output device ratherthan in the PDF file. In many output devices, Relative Colorimetricis the default intent.

Maintains the relative color values among the original pixelsas they are mapped to the destination gamut. This method preservesthe visual relationship between colors, although the color valuesthemselves may change.

Maintains the relative saturation values of the originalpixels. This method is suitable for business graphics, where theexact relationship between colors is not as important as havingbright saturated colors.

Remaps the white point of the source space to the white pointof the destination space.

Disables the matching of white and black points when convertingcolors. This method is not recommended unless you must preserve signaturecolors, such as those used in trademarks or logos.

For all values in the list under Color Management Policies,other than Leave Color Unchanged, select from the lists in the WorkingSpace area to specify which ICC profiles are used for defining andcalibrating the grayscale, RGB, and CMYK color spaces in distilledPDF files. These options are available:

Defines the color space of all grayscale images in files.This option is available only if you chose Tag Everything for ColorManagement or Tag Only Images for Color Management. The defaultICC profile for gray images is Gray Gamma 2.2. You can also selectNone to prevent grayscale images from being converted.

Defines the color space of all RGB images in files. The default,sRGB IEC61966-2.1, is generally a good choice because it is becomingan industry standard and many output devices recognize it. You canalso select None to prevent RGB images from being converted.

Adobe reader preferences registry settings

Defines the color space of all CMYK images in files. Thedefault is U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2. You can also select None toprevent CMYK images from being converted.

Note: SelectingNone for all three of the working spaces has the same effect as selectingLeave Color Unchanged.

Preserve CMYK Values For Calibrated CMYK Color Spaces:

When selected, device-independent CMYK values are treatedas device-dependent (DeviceCMYK) values, device-independent colorspaces are discarded, and PDF/X-1a files use the Convert All ColorsTo CMYK value. When deselected, device-independent color spacesconvert to CMYK if the color management policy is set to ConvertAll Colors To CMYK.

These options apply if you work with documents that arecreated with high-end documentation and graphics applications, suchas Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. For more information, seethe documentation that came with the application.

Transfer functions are used for artistic effect and to adjustfor the specifications of a specific output device. For example,a file that is intended for output on a particular imagesetter maycontain transfer functions that compensate for the dot gain thatis inherent with that printer.

Preserve Under Color Removal And Black Generation:

Retains these settings if they exist in the PostScript file.Black generation calculates the amount of black to be used whenyou are trying to reproduce a particular color. Undercolor removal(UCR) reduces the amount of cyan, magenta, and yellow componentsto compensate for the amount of black that the black generationadded. Because it uses less ink, UCR is generally used for newsprintand uncoated stock.


Adobe Reader Preferences Registry Settings

Determines what to do when transfer functions are found:

Retains the transfer functions that are traditionally usedto compensate for dot gain or dot loss that may occur when an imageis transferred to film. Dot gain occurs when the ink dots that makeup a printed image are larger (for example, due to spreading onpaper) than in the halftone screen; dot loss occurs when the dotsprint smaller. With this option, the transfer functions are keptas part of the file and are applied to the file when the file isoutput.

Does not keep the transfer function but applies it to thefile, which changes the colors in the file. This option is usefulfor creating color effects in a file. By default, this option isselected for new settings.

Removes any applied transfer functions. Remove applied transfer functionsunless the PDF file will be output to the same device that the source PostScriptfile was created for.

Retains any halftone information in files. Halftone informationconsists of dots that control how much ink halftone devices depositat a specific location on the paper. Varying the dot size and density createsthe illusion of variations of gray or continuous color. For a CMYKimage, four halftone screens are used, one for each ink that isused in the printing process.

In traditional print production,a halftone is produced by placing a halftone screen between a pieceof film and the image, and then exposing the film. Electronic equivalents,such as in Adobe Photoshop, let users specify the halftone screenattributes before they produce the film or paper output. Halftoneinformation is intended for use with a particular output device.

The Advanced options specify which Document StructuringConventions (DSC) comments to keep in the PDF file and how to setother options that affect the conversion from PostScript. In a PostScriptfile, DSC comments contain information about the file (such as theoriginating application, creation date, and page orientation). Theyalso provide structure for page descriptions in the file (such asbeginning and ending statements for a prologue section). DSC commentscan be useful when your document is going to print or press. For instructionsabout accessing the Advanced options, see Addor edit PDF settings.

When working with the Advanced options, it is helpful to havean understanding of the PostScript language and how it is translatedto PDF. (See Adobe PostScript 3.)

Allow PostScript File to Override Adobe PDF Settings:

Uses settings that are stored in a PostScript file insteadof the current Adobe PDF settings file. Before processing a PostScriptfile, you can place parameters in the file to control the followingaspects:

PostScript XObjects store information that appears on manypages of the same file, such as a background image or header and footerinformation. Using PostScript XObjects can result in faster printingbut requires more printer memory. To prevent PostScript XObjectsfrom being created, deselect this option if you create PDF fileswith Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4) or later compatibility.

Converts blends to smooth shades for Acrobat 4 and later,making PDF files smaller and potentially improving the quality offinal output. PDF Generator converts gradients from Adobe Illustrator, AdobeInDesign, Adobe FreeHand MX, CorelDraw, Quark Xpress, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Reduces the amount of control points used to build curvesin CAD drawings, which results in smaller PDFs and faster onscreenrendering.

Uses the copypage operator that is defined in LanguageLevel2 PostScript instead of in LanguageLevel 3 PostScript. If you havea PostScript file and select this option, a copypage operator copiesthe page. If this option is not selected, the equivalent of a showpageoperation is executed, but the graphics state is not reinitialized.

Retains any overprint settings in files being converted toPDF. Overprinted colors are two or more inks printed on topof each other. For example, when a cyan ink prints over a yellowink, the resultant overprint is a green color. Without overprinting,the underlying yellow would not be printed, resulting in a cyancolor.

Prevents overprinted objects with zero CMYK values from knockingout CMYK objects that are underneath them. This effect is accomplishedby inserting the OPM 1 graphics state parameter into thePDF file wherever the Setoverprint operator is present.

Embeds the settings file that is used to create the PDF file.You can open and view the settings file (which has a .joboptionsfilename extension) in the File Attachments dialog box in Acrobat. TheAdobe PDF settings file becomes an item in the EmbeddedFiles treeinside the PDF file.

Processes any compressed JPEG images (images that are alreadycompressed using DCT encoding) without recompressing them. If thisoption is selected, PDF Generator decompresses JPEG images to ensurethat they are not corrupt. However, it does not recompress validimages, therefore processing the original image untouched. Withthis option is selected, performance improves because only decompression(not recompression) occurs, and image data and metadata are preserved.

Preserves a PostScript job ticket in a PDF file. The jobticket contains information about the PostScript file, such as the pagesize, resolution, and trapping information, instead of informationabout content. This information can be used later in a workflowor for printing the PDF.

Sends a prologue and epilogue file with each job. These fileshave many purposes. For example, prologue files can be edited tospecify cover pages. Epilogue files can be edited to resolve a seriesof procedures in a PostScript file. You can upload or download thefiles. (See Uploadingand downloading prologue and epilogue files.)

Maintains DSC information from a PostScript file. These suboptionsare available:

Displays warning messages about problematic DSC commentsduring processing and adds them to a log file.

Retains information, such as the originating applicationand creation date for an EPS file. If this option is deselected, thepage is sized and centered based on the upper-left corner of theupper-left object and lower-right corner of the lower-right objecton the page.

Retains information required to replace a For Placement Only(FPO) image or comment with the high-resolution image located onservers that support Open Prepress Interface (OPI) versions 1.3and 2.0.

Retains information such as the title, creation date, andtime. When you open a PDF file in Acrobat, this information appearsin the Document Properties Description panel.

Centers an EPS image and resizes the page to fit closelyaround the image. This option applies only to jobs that consistof a single EPS file.

PDF Generator can check document contents in a PostScriptfile to ensure that they meet the standard PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, orPDF/A criteria before creating the PDF file. For PDF/X-compliantfiles, you can also require that the PostScript file meets additionalcriteria by selecting other options under “Standards reporting andcompliance”. The availability of options depends on the standardyou select.

PDF/X-compliant files are primarily used as a standardized formatfor the exchange of PDF files that are intended for high-resolutionprint production. Unless you are creating a PDF document for printproduction, you can ignore the PDF/X compliance standards.

PDF/A-compliant files are primarily used for archiving. Becauselong-term preservation is the goal, the document must contain onlywhat is needed for opening and viewing throughout the intended lifeof the document. For example, PDF/A-compliant files can containonly text, raster images, and vector objects; they cannot containencryption and scripts. In addition, all fonts must be embedded sothat the documents can be opened and viewed as created. In otherwords, PDF/A-compliant documents are thinner than their PDF/Xcounterparts, which are intended for high-end production.


If you set up a watched folder for creatingPDF/A-compliant files, make sure that you do not add security tothe folder; the PDF/A standard does not allow encryption.

For instructions about accessing the Standards reporting andcompliance options, see Addor edit PDF settings.

Select a standard to produce a report that indicates whetherthe file complies with the requirements and, if not, what problemswere encountered. When Compatibility on the General Settings pageis set to Acrobat 4.0, the following options are enabled. When Compatibilityis set to Acrobat 5.0, only the Acrobat 5.0 options are availableto select. When Compatibility is set to an alternative option, thefollowing options are dimmed:

Adobe Registry Settings For Firefox

Specifies whether to create the PDF file if the PostScript filedoes not comply with PDF/X requirements. This option is availablewhen Compliance Standard on the Standards Reporting and Compliancepage is set to an option other than None.

Creates a PDF file.

Creates a PDF file only if the PostScript file meets thePDF/X requirements of the selected report options and is otherwisevalid. If both PDF/X report options are selected and the PostScriptfile meets only one set of the PDF/X criteria (for example, PDF/X-3),PDF Generator creates the compliant file.

Available when Compliance Standard on the Standards Reportingand Compliance page is set to an option other than None.

Flags the PostScript file as noncompliant if one of the reportingoptions is selected and a trim box or art box is missing from anypage.

Computes values in points for the trim box based on the offsetsfor the media box of respective pages if neither the trim box norart box is specified. The trim box is always as small or smallerthan the enclosing media box.

Available when Compliance Standard on the Standards Reportingand Compliance page is set to an option other than None.

Uses the media box values for the bleed box if the bleedbox is not specified.

Computes values in points for the bleed box based on theoffsets for the trim box of respective pages if the bleed box is notspecified. The bleed box is always as large or larger than the enclosedtrim box.

This option is available when Compliance Standard on theStandards Reporting and Compliance page is set to an option otherthan None.

Indicates the characterized printing condition that the documentis prepared for. If a document does not specify an OutputIntent name,PDF Generator uses the selected value from this menu. You can selectone of the names that are supplied or enter a name in the spaceprovided. If your workflow requires that the document specify theoutput intent, select None. Any document that does not meet therequirement fails compliance checking.

Indicates the reference name specified by the registry ofthe output intent profile name.

Describes the intended printing condition. This entry can beuseful for the intended receiver of the PDF document.

Indicates the web address for more information about theregistry. The URL is automatically entered for ICC registry names.

Indicates the state of trapping in the document. PDF/X compliance requiresa value of True or False. If the document does not specify the trapped state,the value provided here is used. If your workflow requires thatthe document specifies the trapped state, select Leave Undefined.Any document that does not meet the requirement fails compliancechecking.

These options are enabled when Compatibility (in the Generalarea) is set to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) or Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4).

Specifies whether to create the PDF file if the PostScript filedoes not comply with PDF/A requirements.

Creates a PDF file even if the PostScript file does not meetthe requirements of the standard.

Creates a PDF file only if the PostScript file meets PDF/Arequirements and is otherwise valid.

Indicates the characterized printing condition for whichthe document has been prepared and is required for PDF/A compliance.If your workflow requires that the document specifies Output Intentinformation, select “None”. The document will fail compliance checkingif this information is not provided.

Describes the intended printing condition. This entry isnot required, but can be used to provide useful information to theintended receiver of the PDF document.

These options are organized into three areas: DocumentOptions, Window Options, and User Interface Options. For instructionsabout accessing the Initial view options, see Addor edit PDF settings.

To use any options, select Set Initial View Settings.

The document options control the appearance of the documentwithin the document window, such as the magnification level andhow it scrolls.

Determines which panes and tabs are displayed in the application windowby default. Bookmarks Panel and Page opens the document pane and displaysthe Bookmarks tab.

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Determines whether the document is viewed in single-page, facing-page,continuous page, or continuous facing-page mode.

Sets the zoom level used to display the document when opened.The default uses the user-configured magnification value in theAcrobat or Adobe Reader preferences.

Sets the page that the document opens at, which is usuallypage 1.

Note: Setting Default for the magnificationand page layout options uses the individual user settings in thePage Display preferences within Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

The window options determine how the window adjusts inthe screen area when a user opens the document. However, the optionshave no effect when a PDF document is viewed inside a web browser.

Adjusts the document window to fit snugly around the openingpage, according to the options that you selected under DocumentOptions.

Positions the window in the center of the screen area.

Maximizes the document window and displays the document withoutthe menu bar, toolbar, or window controls.

Filename shows the filename in the title bar of the window.Document title shows the document title in the title bar of thewindow.

The user interface options determine which controls aredisplayed or hidden when the user opens the document.

If selected, hides the menu bar

If selected, hides the toolbars

If selected, hides the window controls

Note: Ifyou hide the menu bar and toolbar, users cannot apply commands and selecttools unless they know the keyboard shortcuts when they open thefile in Acrobat.

Uploading and downloading prologueand epilogue files

Prologue files are used to add custom PostScript code thatexecute at the beginning of every PostScript job being distilled.Epilogue files are used to add custom PostScript code that executeat the end of every PostScript job. You can download prologue andepilogue files from the server to save them locally. You may wantto download the files to configure them independently or to upload themto another location or to another computer.

These files have many purposes. For example, prologue files canbe edited to specify cover pages; epilogue files can be edited toresolve a series of procedures in a PostScript file. You can alsoselect and upload the prologue and epilogue files to send with eachjob.


PDF Generator supports prologue and epiloguefiles only for conversion of PostScript and Encapsulated PostScriptfiles to PDF.

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Adobe Reader and Acrobat can regularly check for important updates and install them for you. These updates can include important security fixes and product enhancements.

You cannot change updater preferences for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Updates are delivered via two options:

  • Install updates automatically (recommended): Acrobat Reader DC and Acrobat DC regularly checks for important updates, downloads them, and installs them automatically. When finished, you are alerted via a small message in the system tray that your software has been updated. This method is recommended since it does not require end-user intervention. It is the best way to keep Acrobat Reader DC and Acrobat DC up-to-date and more secure.
  • Manually check for and install updates: Acrobat Reader DC and Acrobat DC don't check for updates. Instead, the user selects Check for Updates. This option is the least secure, and only recommended in organizations that use other methods of deploying updates to their systems.

Updates are delivered via four options:

  • Install updates automatically (recommended): Adobe Reader and Acrobat regularly checks for important updates, downloads them, and installs them automatically. When finished, you are alerted via a small message in the system tray that your software has been updated. This method is recommended since it does not require end-user intervention. It is the best way to keep Adobe Reader and Acrobat up-to-date and more secure.
  • Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them: Adobe Reader and Acrobat regularly checks for important updates and downloads them. Before that update can be installed, Adobe Reader and Acrobat prompt you to start the installation.
  • Notify me, but let me choose when to download and install updates: Adobe Reader and Acrobat notify the end user that an update is ready for download and install.
  • Manually check for and install updates: Adobe Reader and Acrobat don't check for updates. Instead, the end user selects Check For Updates. This option is the least secure, and only recommended in organizations that use other methods of deploying updates to their systems.

If you decide to change this option in future, it is available in the Preferences settings under Updater (choose Edit > Preferences), except as noted above for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

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